Technique:Soul Absorbtion
HP Deduction: 18
Stamina Required: Strength: 15 Intelligence: 18
Descirption: The user collects souls into his body
Pros: Boosts his physical abilities by two fold
Cons: Can only be used once a battle, can only be used when still at least partially human
Technique:Soul Cannon
HP Deduction: 19
Stamina Required: Strength: 19 Intelligance: 22
Descirption: Uses the souls of those around him to blast his opponent ripping away at their skin
Pros: Very wide very long blast
Cons: Cannot use this attack for three turns and has to use Soul Absorbtion to use it a second time
Technique:Lightning Chaos
HP Deduction:
Stamina Required:
HP Deduction: 18
Stamina Required: Strength: 20 Intelligence: 18
Descirption: This attack combines a massive amount of soul and lightning energy to create a tornado of souls and lightning
Pros: Path can be controlled by the user
Cons: Takes in a large amount of energy, can only be used after soul absorbtion
Technique:True Power
HP Deduction: 0
Stamina Required: Strength: 24 Intelligence:13
Descirption: Triples his power and speed and also increases his hp by times two
Pros: in the description
Cons:can only be used after soul absorbtion, take up remaining energy